Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Skin softening

I used the patch tool & the spot healing brush.

I changed the color balance to change the color of the picture.

Out of proportion

You make something look out of proportion by changing the size
of the object & putting it together with something that
normally wouldn't go with the object.


I chose to do the sunglass reflection because it looks realistic.

Photo aging

Photo aging gives a tint to my photo and makes the photo look very old.

David Hockney

David Hockney was a photogropher, and a British artist. His work looks like lots of layers of squares placed on top of eachother like a puzzle, creating one big picture in the end.

Friday, May 6, 2011

carters Mtn. photographs

I color corrected the first and last pictures and added text to them. For the second and third picture i made it black and white.For the fourth picture i brightened it.


I used for the first photo custom shape. For the second i used ink sketch and for the third i used cross processing.


I replicated Sally Alexander's work and used the same necklace shaped idea to put my picutres in like her.

macro sharpening

Sharpening increases the contrast between two objects. to sharpen an image, you darken the lines and lighten the areas around them. It makes the photo stand out more. The macro-setting is what you use to take upclose pictures.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


I used the pen tool and added a glow effect and colors.